WEEK 92: March 30, 2021 (21 months!)


Serving at the animal clinic

This was a great week!!  Things are great out here in Midland!  We had the chance to do tons of service this week, which has been awesome.  We served at the Food Bank, in a Community garden, helped a couple people move, and a few other things I'm sure I'm forgetting. 

Saturday night at 930 we realized we had forgotten to get gas, and not wanting to have to fill up on Sunday, we ran to the gas station.  At the gas station, there was a pretty sketchy guy standing behind us in line. He was covered in tattoos, had tons of piercings and had a cigarette behind his ear...  Aka the kind of guy I would have avoided before my mission.  Buuuut I decided to talk to him.  After talking to him, he let us know he'd had a very hard week, ‘cause he'd just moved down here and he felt all alone.  I took down his number and told him we'd give him a call sometime and help him out.  He was super appreciative and I was happy we decided to get gas that night and had the chance to meet him.  One thing I've been working on this year is trying to see people the way God does, and to avoid judging people just on appearance.  It's something I think has really made a difference for me and it's been sweet.

Other than that, this week my Comp got bit by a dog in the face and needed stitches.  It was no fun but what's less fun is how much he talks about it haha.  He's a funny guy.  

Funny story... At service this week one of the elders caught a minnow and said he'd buy my lunch the next day if I'd eat it alive, so I cowboyed up and did it.  And I enjoyed the free lunch today!


They aren't dead! Recovering from the operation

Fix West Texas T-shirts

Thanks for reading!! 

Have a great week!

Elder Hammond


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