WEEK 39: March 24, 2020 (9 Months) - Last email from Brasil

First day at the CTM in Sao Paulo (Can we say "Deer in the headlights"?)

Ankle/foot issues in first area - Cacador
Sunburns in Vacaria

Angels are watching over these missionaries

Final area - Florianopolis

Well as I'm sure most of you have heard, due to the coronavirus, a large part of American missionários serving outside of the United States are having to be sent home.  Unfortunately missionaries in Brazil are on the list, so tomorrow morning, I'll start my long journey home, and Thursday morning I'll be arriving in Salt lake, to stay at home 14 days until I receive a reassignment in the United States. 

Bug bites.  There were also fleas, mosquitoes, and more
Looking back on my [9] months of service here in Brazil, my 4 companions, 3 areas, bug bites, rejections, sunburns and about a million other crazy things that weren't super fun in the moment, but looking back on all the difficulty, all the discouragement, all the things that made my mission hard, I can see that everything that I faced, brought me closer and helped me to better understand the sacrifice and power of our Savior Jesus Christ.  Through hard times, I learned more about my Savior than I could have in any other place, and in any other way!  When I left on my mission, I left with one goal in mind, return home with a certainty that I have a God in heaven who loves me, and that the church I was baptized into is his kingdom established on earth.  In my time here, I've seen lives changed, burdens lifted, and happiness found through the gospel of Jesus Christ.  And I can say now, without a doubt, that this is exactly where I needed to be these last [9] months and that God is aware of my specific needs and weaknesses.  I don't know what the future holds for me, if this virus is gonna calm down fast enough for me to be reassigned.  But one thing I do know for sure is that this church really is the gospel of Jesus Christ, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the only true church on the earth, and that through this gospel, I can be with my family forever.  Thanks for all the support and love! 

Love you all, praying for you all, and wishing you all the best!
-Elder Hammond

From our conversations:

  • After about a week and a half in quarantine in Brazil,  Andrew was told he was coming home.  He was really sad to be leaving and we were sad for him.  However, we can’t feel too bad for ourselves knowing that about 20,000 other missionaries and their families are going through the same thing.
  • He is staying positive and we look forward to the rare opportunity to have a full-time set apart missionary living in our home for a while.  This will be a time of growth for us!


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