WEEK 4: July 23, 2019 (1 month)

Andrew's birthday P-Day with Acai bowls and a new haircut
 This week was crazy!  I had one of the weirdest and most memorable birthdays ever. To start off my birthday, we drove an hour and a half to the Campinas temple, during this drive the sister missionary behind me threw up all over the floor which was a lot of fun...  After the temple I had to get a haircut so we wandered into the city to find the hair cutters.  Once we found the place, an 80 year old Brazilian pretty much shaved my head and then sent me on my way haha.  Afterward we went to the Acai place up the street and had a little party for me with my instructors!  One of my instructors is Peruvian and made me a super weird Peruvian cake which was pretty ...different... but the acai was hecking good haha.

On Saturday was our first day proselyting in Sao Paulo.  All my district got dropped off in the city center of Sao Paulo, and were told to wander around and talk to people and get their numbers to give to the missionaries!   This was crazy, we have only been speaking Portuguese for 4 weeks!  It was super cool to see the city center and get a sense for how many people live in Sao Paulo!

Other than that, This week on Sunday during our district meeting, our bishop got up to the stand to speak to us (he didn't know very much English but he tried) and the first thing he said was 'My hopes are that you all had a damn good week' and then he continued to say that word in every other sentence throughout his introduction haha. At the end we went up and told him that it was a bad word in English... and he said that he learned most of his English playing 'Call of Duty'. haha.

I'm happy and healthy here in Brasil!

Elder Hammond
Andrew at the Campinas temple with the Elders in his district and the Peruvian teacher

Andrew's birthday party


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