WEEK 79: December 21, 2020

 Well another week has gone by!  This week was extremely fast.  We started the week off a little sad, because one of the families we were teaching ghosted us... ,which leaves us with very few people to teach.  Buuut the week was good in a few other ways.

We got to do tons of service, which I love!

We built a deck for an elderly lady in our ward.  It was fun and reminded me of when I helped build the pavilion in our yard.  The deck turned out super good.  And she showed up to our short Sunday meeting to thank us. 

We also served at the food bank of West Texas twice during the week.  We helped load up food boxes to go to people in need.  It was a lot of fun and it was super fulfilling to do what we can to help people out during the weird time. 

I also did another free photoshoot for an awesome family here in Plainview.  They were super nice and super grateful.  They said we could give them a call this week to share a Christmas message!  We are excited.

We are pumped for Christmas this week.  We had a member invite us over on Christmas eve, and another family invite us over on Christmas.  We are hoping it'll be fun.  

Hope you all have a great Christmas!

Love you all. 

Elder Hammond

2302 W. 16th St. Unit A 

Plainview TX 79072-4881


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