WEEK 56: July 12, 2020

The only picture I have this week

This week started off great... Coming home from Portales we got pulled over, and my comp ended up with a good sized ticket... Not fun!  But other than that the week was good! 

We spent Thursday and Friday helping a lady move. Which means we got to stay in Portales Thursday night, which was a ton of fun.  We played Secret Hitler (a fun game with a dumb name) and a ton of basketball.  Other than that, we sent a ton of direct messages on Facebook trying to find new people to teach... Didn't go too well though... Everything in the Lord's timing!  

This week we are doing a free car wash to try and find some new people to teach in Clovis, and then our branch president invited us over on my birthday. 

Thanks for reading!
Elder Hammond

From our Conversation:
  • The elders in his district found a bottle of Nair and tried it on their legs.  They are so bored!  Now there are 6 Elders with very smooth legs in New Mexico.
  • Andrew makes the same dinner every night for him and his companion, chicken breast and broccoli.  I suggested that maybe he and Elder Bird could take turns and he said, “No way.  I don’t want to eat anything he would cook.”
  • They are doing everything they can to find and teach people or serve people but it’s been a challenge to stay busy.  He seemed pretty discouraged this week since there seems to be no end in sight for the Coronavirus.


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