WEEK 55: July 6, 2020
Another week has passed here in Fort Sumner and not much has changed. Happy 4th of July to you all and I hope you all had a great week! The 4th of July here was pretty great. We drove out to Clovis (neighboring city) and hung out with all of our district and played basketball and scum a ton. It was a blast. We then ate the most American meal possible (McDonald's McFreak, which is an Andrew original made by putting a McChicken and a burger together.), before driving back to Fort Sumner and watching a small firework show with some investigators!! At the end of the firework show we invited the family to church not expecting much, and on Sunday we were surprised to see that their youngest daughter (Paige, 12) had decided to get up and go to church by herself. We were super proud of her and we are hoping to teach her over the next few months!
Other than that, we made another video for our Facebook page. I also caught a tortoise outside of our house and contemplated keepin’ him as a pet (my comp convinced me not too haha) so we set him on his way... And found our little garden completely destroyed the next day. I'm saying the turtle is innocent until proven guilty haha.
We had a massive hailstorm yesterday which was cool, like marble size hail! And My companion and I are practicing violin and piano for a musical number in church next week! Thanks for reading! Have a great week y'all.
Elder Hammond
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