WEEK 52: June 15, 2020 "Another week in New Mexico"

Elder Hammond
Another week has gone by!  This week was pretty good other than the fact that Isha and her kids (the family that would have been baptized) kinda ghosted us this week and so they probably won't be baptized on the 27th :(.

Other than that, we had a good week.  Our week was full of service!! We weeded a corn field on Wednesday, worked at a member's show pig barn cleaning pig pens, and on Thursday we helped a member run the Rodeo here in Fort Sumner!!  A week full of manual labor for sure.  I enjoyed it though.
Prize pig farm

Fort Sumner Rodeo (A member of the church is on the committee and asked them to help.)

This morning we got to go fishing at a member's pond, I taught my companion to fish, and then watched him reel in a 5 pound bass, and then I caught nothing for the 2 hours we were there... Figures haha.  It was super nice to get out and do something though.

Elder Bird's first cast

I never would have thought that when I left to Brasil around a year ago I'd end up in the middle of New Mexico, bailing hay, cleaning pig pens, and fishing.  It has been a great experience for sure.  Out here in the middle of nowhere the stars are amazing!  I can't help but know God exists.
Milky Way

Notice the shooting star

Transfers and zone conference are this week and we are hoping we can do it in person for a change!  Hoping and praying for more teaching and finding this upcoming week, so we can get some people to church!  Thanks for reading.

Elder Hammond

From our conversation:

  • They water their garden twice a day.  The beans are growing well.  The watermelon never sprouted and the sunflower shriveled up and died.
  • They caught a horny toad by the church and let it go about an hour later when they found out they are endangered.  It was really cute in a reptile sort of way.

  • He got Spanish and English name tags this week depending on what area he is serving in.  He won’t need his Portuguese tag in TX or NM.

Baby bunny



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