WEEK 28: January 6, 2020

Coming home soaking wet after a huge rain storm

This week was crazy!  New Year's Day turned into a week of parties and drunk people on the roads here in Vacaria, which didn't make the work easy this week...  but we pushed forward, through crazy rains, crazy heat and lots of rejections from people NOT following the word of wisdom haha.  Overall was a good week! 
Wet and holey socks

New Year's Day, for lunch we sat down excited and hungry to eat, expecting BBQ as usual, when the mom of the house pulled out a full head of a pig and put it on the table...  needless to say I didn't try, and almost vomited when I saw their 12 year old daughter slurp up the eye-ball. 
Pig head

To celebrate the New Year, i bought a cake and ice-cream to cover for the lunch I couldn't eat...  Me and my companion stayed up until 12 o'clock and started hearing fireworks (mixed with gunshots) and went outside and watched!  We were surprised by a sky full of fireworks, and walked to the front of our house to see a policeman firing his pistol in the air...  This place is crazy! 

With the new year of 2020 here, I feel very lucky to be here in Brasil, learning more about this gospel, and helping to bless the lives of everyone who is willing to listen!  Have a great year y’all.

-Elder Hammond

From our conversation:

  • He bought a fan this week, put it on high at night to keep himself cool and also to get way less mosquito bites.
  • He got to play football, tennis and Uno last week during PDay.
  • He has had to explain multiple times a day that although President Trump was impeached, he will not be removed from office probably at all (at least until his term is over).
  • Saw a field of fireflies and brought one home that soon died.


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