WEEK 3: July 15, 2019

My district at the Sao Paulo temple
This week has been pretty awesome and a lot of fun, we went to Rodizio grill on pday and it was a whole 30 Reals (5$) for unlimited steak and other food haha also i bought some Crocs here cause my Chacos were not cutting it for shower shoes haha.
We also went to the Campinas temple this week and I had an awesome feeling that this is exactly where I am supposed to be!  here are some pictures from this week!

Highlights from our conversations:

  • He’s really enjoying Portuguese and says he’s not the best or the worst at it in his district.  He is understanding pretty well.
  • He LOVES his district and they are all doing really well adapting to the rigorous missionary lifestyle. Four of them are going to Florianopolis mission, but his best friend in the district is going to a different mission.  All the Americans down there either went to BYU before their missions or are going there after.  Roy reminded him that it’s good to be unique.  Andrew has never had trouble being unique.
  • He loves his teachers too.  He says they are all really funny in their own ways.  The Peruvian teacher sucks flan through a straw and took them all to the Rodizio Grill that he mentioned in his letter.  He is also bringing him a birthday cake tomorrow for his 19th birthday!
  • He has been trying to eat beans at least one meal a day but, apparently not enough to fill up since he’s eaten 45 of the 55 granola bars I sent him!
  • He’s studying Preach my Gospel and the Book of Mormon every day on his own, but wishes that the gospel lessons in class were in English so he could understand them better.
  • The CTM mission president contacted him directly about getting a haircut.  He thinks all that humidity is making his hair grow extra fast.  Luckily, there’s a place very close by that they can go to on P-days for free missionary haircuts.
  • They’re going to the Campinas temple tomorrow. He’s really looking forward to it.  
  • He seems really happy!  I am so grateful!!!
  • Shout out to Tom Grassley for the funny email he wrote to him.  He was laughing out loud when he read it and it was good to hear that he's laughing. 

My Peruvian teacher in front


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